August 31, 2021
PC #535 is excited to welcome some new faces to the District as well as formally announce the movement of some teachers within roles! See the following link for introductions of o...

August 25, 2021
PC #535 will be updating the website for easier accessibility and navigation in the next few weeks! Be on the lookout for changes and updates to features.

May 21, 2021
Putnam County CUSD #535 would like to recognize six staff members for the "Excellence in Education" recognition sponsored by the Regional Office of Education (ROE). Here is the li...

May 14, 2021
Illinois begins the Bridge on May 14th in hopes of reaching Phase 5 by mid-June. Please note that the Putnam County School District will still continue to require wearing masks an...

May 10, 2021
PCHS has Three Illinois State Scholars - Congratulations!! Here is the link to the Media Profiles created by Dr. Theisinger: https://drive.google.com/file/...
May 4, 2021
Putnam County Elementary has prepared a welcome message to the district's current 2nd Graders as they prepare to become new 3rd Graders next year. Check out this welcome video the...
March 23, 2021
As more of our residents receive the COVID-19 vaccine, Illinois will operate with a metrics-based pathway toward the fifth and final phase of the Restore Illinois reopening plan, ...
March 15, 2021
On March 9, 2021, the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health released a joint statement providing major revisions for Health Guidance for S...
April 16, 2020
PCES faculty and staff are sure missing their students! Check out this video to lift your spirits.
April 2, 2020
The Putnam County Primary School has put something together for all of the PCPS students and families!
March 3, 2020
On Thursday March 19th, Putnam County Schools will be hosting a free dental clinic provided by Dr. Grinter and his staff. The clinic will be during school hours at the Primary Sc...

February 27, 2020
The PC Lady Pumas won all three of their matches to take the Marseilles Volleyball Title!

February 27, 2020
The PC Lady Pantera's advanced to the State Finals. Great job!!
December 12, 2019
The junior high math team would like to invite everyone to our staff vs student basketball game on December 18th at the Junior High at 5:30 pm. Grandma Rosie's will be giving out...

October 17, 2019
Putnam Count Seniors Ian Roach and Ben Cyr are heading to the IHSA Class A Boys Golf State Finals. They will both begin state finals competition on Friday, October 18th. The entir...
July 22, 2019
Softball Tryouts are week of July 29th 9:30-11:30 at Jr High. Baseball Tryouts are week of August 5th 9:00-11:00 at Jr High. All players need a physical before they can tryout. ...

May 15, 2019
Madi Keegan, PC Senior, headed off to Charleston this morning to compete in the IHSA Class A Discus on Thursday. Madi owns the school record in the discus with a throw over 130 fe...

March 1, 2019
Putnam County Elementary School held a family STEAM Night on Thursday, February 28, 2019. Each grade level had a variety of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, or Math) ...

November 2, 2018
The Putnam County High School students and staff had a State send off for senior Michael Dzierzynski and Coach McConnell on Friday, November 2nd at 10:45. Michael qualified for th...

October 5, 2018
On Friday, October 5, 2018, the Putnam County School staff received some first class training on how to handle traumatic situations. The training was entitled Trutrauma. The lead ...